Dr. Mohammad Nami



Neural functional Connectivity and its sleep-wake flip-flop 


Various dynamics in brain oscillations are found to alter upon wake-sleep transition and vice versa.  Changes in sleep microstructure including cyclic alternating patterns as well as functional connectivity (FC) parameters i.e. sleep electroencephalography FFT coherence over time is a captivating idea for in-depth sleep research. Our team has strived analyzing qEEG and fNIRS data upon stage sleep transition. In the same vein, simultaneous EEG-fMRI has been employed in other research to evaluate brain functional activity upon wake-sleep transition. Static FC in Wake and Stage-2 Sleep (NREM2)/REM are shown to be comparable. Meanwhile, there are extensive disparities between FC dynamics upon wake and sleep when it comes to flip-flop transitions. This presentation is building upon the existing evidence to argumentatively discuss sleep-related reductions in effective connectivity and synaptic strength with regards to the role of sleep in wakefulness-related cognitive processes.

Brief Bio

Mohammad Nami (1978, Tehran) is an Iranian medical doctor and neuroscientist. He gained his medical specialty in neuroscience and his fellowship in sleep disorders. Not only is he among the university’s top-ranked scholars due to his numerous scientific articles and speeches presented in international congresses but also he has been recognized as a top-rated contributor to numerous international neuroscience events. During the past several years, he has led several Brain Awareness and Autism Multidisciplinary works, conducted workshops on Sleep Medicine/Sleep Neuroscience across the country, and gained experience as corporate trainer in the field of professional development skills at Behphar holding in Iran. Dr. Nami is currently the Head of the Department of Neuroscience at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), the chief-editor of two international and interdisciplinary journals (JAMSAT, Neuroscience Research Letters), and the president of the Iranian Neuroscience Society, Fars Chapter. The Neuroscience Lab (NSL) at SUMS has been a dynamic platform for interdisciplinary studies where he and his associates deal with. He has been a Dale Carnegie’s alumnus since 2014 and yearns to gain further expertise in the field of organizational and leadership training. He is also passionate about the concept of “Neuro-leadership” and how human brain potentials drive his behavior as a leader to inspire others.